Specially for you women...

Location: Surabaya, West, Indonesia


Thursday 9 August 2007

Inner Beauty

What is that? Maybe you have already heard it from your friends, your parents, or from your boyfriend. We want to give you short explanation and example about what is inner beauty.

"Inner" is of or pertaining to the mind or spirit; mental; spiritual. we would like describe "inner" as something that inside of human mind, it cannot be touch or be seen. Only the person who can feel it, but still cannot describe it. But it exist.
"Beauty" is the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
"Inner-beauty" something that has been plug in to a person way of life (can be woman or man), cannot be seen but you can feel the existence.

For instance when you meet a guy, even he isn't your type but there are several thing you can't describe and but you can feel it in your spirit, attract you to appreciate him or like him (maybe). You can describe that unseen feel as "his charm".

Inner beauty isn't always form like that. It can be evaluate from their behavior. So behave ladies ;> Don't be reckless and careless. BEHAVE!

Even you have beautiful face but don't have beautiful character (inner beauty), ladies we'd like to tell you that character is the main issue when you are in relationship with someone or when you are interacting between your community.
For example:
- You went to dinner with your boyfriend's family. For you maybe it is not a tradition to pray together before eating. Because your family tradition is pray on your own. If you have a good character. You will appreciate their tradition.
- I have a friend, he's a freak, all my friends say that he likes to draw xxx (this is fact). Because of his "crazy" and "weird" character, all my friends and his surroundings don't want to interact with him. One time he changes, repent from his "crazy" and "weird" activity and character. Slow but sure people can respect and accepted him. Because his inner beauty has recovered:>

There are lots of example out there. How about your experiences. We love to hear some from you. Or maybe gives comments to this post. I'm really appreciate that. Hope this post could give more insights and change our way of thinking.

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