Specially for you women...

Location: Surabaya, West, Indonesia

Monday 13 August 2007

Women Tips on Healthy Pregnancy Information on Proper Beauty Care, Exercise & Nutrition

Women are having babies later in life, and many women are into their forties before the biological time bomb goes off, leaving them thinking, "Omigad: I've just got to have a baby RIGHT NOW". The sudden baby urge is a phenomenon that has never been explained satisfactorily, and now, with women starting high-powered careers in their twenties, and realizing fifteen years down the road that, in the struggle of getting that MBA they forgot to do things about getting pregnant, it isn't so much explored as it is attacked with calendars, hormones, thermometers and implantations. It's safer than ever before to have a late-life child, but Down syndrome and other birth defects do become more likely, and complications that result in injury to the mother are more likely too. The fact is, our bodies are vastly different at forty-something than they are at twenty-something; less resilient, longer to heal. Modern medical care makes it possible for preemies of under one pound to grow into healthy adults, and with today's understanding of the importance of planning, nutrition, and supplements such as folic acid, older moms experience much less risk than they did even ten years ago.

If you're pregnant and in your late thirties to early forties, you probably have inner and outer resources than younger women. You've probably planned your pregnancy, painted the nursery and are emotionally ready for motherhood. You may even have money saved for your child's education. So, with all your ducks in a tidy row, it may seem even more unfair that morning sickness, fatigue, bloating and blotchy skin are dancing attendance on your upcoming blessed event.

It may not be a surprise to you that many of the things you should be doing to stay healthy during pregnancy are also the things that will keep you looking your best, even in those early, wretched and retching, weeks. Read on for before, during and after beauty tips for pregnant ladies and brand-new moms.

1. I know you think you should be and could be Superwoman. You could try, but you'll probably just wear yourself out, and frankly, they don't give awards for Superwomen. If you can afford it, cut back on the work hours, take every sick day, holiday and personal day off, and don't even think about taking a shorter-than-usual maternity leave.

2. Rest. Step away from the computer, put your feet up, close your eyes, read a book, listen to music. Sleep doesn't count as rest, by the way: your normal nighttime sleep is also still required. Rest in between meetings at work, take naps on weekends, and avoid social events you don't really want to attend anyway by saying quietly (and with just a hint of gravity), "Oh, I'd love to, but I can't. I have to rest."

3. To assist you in resting, consider having groceries or dry cleaning delivered, go out for a meal once in awhile instead of cooking at home, and enlist the aid of those who live with you in things like doing the dishes, putting stuff away, or cleaning the tub. You might feel guilty before the baby comes, but once that wee creature arrives, you'll kick yourself for not having pre-trained your family to help.

4. When you aren't resting, exercise. Take walks, go swimming or take water aerobics, do whatever activities your ob-gyn says is okay for your particular stage of gestated bliss. Exercise is great for the skin, perks up the mental attitude, keeps the kilos down, and promotes your baby's health too.

5. Obviously, you won't smoke, take dope, use over-the-counter medications, or drink alcohol. Pay attention to your caffeine intake, too (remember, what Mommy does, Baby does too). Also, watch the sugar. Diabetes occurs more frequently in older pregnant women, and watching your diet can help keep your blood sugar under control.

6. Undereye circles sometimes come along with morning sickness because you get dehydrated, and it shows up in the thinning skin under the eyes. Drink plenty of water throughout your pregnancy.

7. Buy the prettiest maternity clothes you can find. Subsiding into sweats for months on end will compound any feelings of unattractiveness you may experience. Your body will certainly grow rounder--even around the ankles--but that's no reason to give up on fashion. Fashion loves you, and will always take you back.

8. Your skin color may change during pregnancy, and you may need to buy different shades of makeup. Some lucky women look fabulous between months four and eight: their skin glows, their eyes sparkle. If you are one of these women, count your blessings. If you're one of the other 90%, treat yourself to an occasional facial.

9. Some women get acne from the drastic hormonal surges of pregnancy. Check with your doctor before using anything remotely medicinal: your skin may absorb chemicals that aren't good for the baby. The acne is temporary, and will disappear once your body's hormone levels have evened out.

10. During your pregnancy and after the baby comes, accept help when it's offered. Lots of new moms feel that they should be able to do everything themselves, but in fact, it takes a village to keep Baby's laundry done. Line up a reliable sitter before the birth, so that as soon as you can, you can go out for dinner or a movie without worrying. Let friends cook you dinner, and coerce family members into chores. Fatherly creatures should also be pressed into service when it comes to hourly chores such as feeding, changing or holding Baby.Training your partner in baby-tending does more than get you some extra sleep: it helps Dad and Baby bond.

Women Tips on Beauty Tips For Teens

Let's face it. Being a teenager means being self-conscious, pretty much all the time. and, if you're a teenage girl, especially one whose skin, complexion or overall appearance is not "picture perfect" that can make the whole experience even worse. (This of course, can apply to any girl, depending on her frame of mind). Fortunately, here are some beauty tips that can come to the rescue for your face and skin type, so you can meet the world refreshed and ready, as well as some make-up and safety tips for when you're going out and having fun. All this said, always remember that true self improvement comes from within, and that while looking good on the outside, in terms of being presentable and attractive, are always find a strive for, but never define who you are.

Facial Skin Care Tip

Some people can confuse the physical transformation that comes with putting makeup on, with a sort of personal transformation, but again this is not the truth. When you feel beautiful inside, you will be more attractive to others on the outside. Makeup will not do it.

From a practical physical standpoint, it is a good idea to remember that your skin needs to breathe. It is important to keep your skin as natural as possible- so try and keep makeup is minimal as is necessary and keep going, "all-out" for special occasions like parties.

Mirrors with good high quality lighting are great for examining your skin – although the first time you take a really good close look it can be a loud and shocking personal alarm to take some fast action, if you’ve neglected your skin. Beauty tip no 1 is to take a close look at it at home and ensure before you do that you’ve done a good job of makeup removal. This can especially be true in the summer, when the excess heat can cause problems faster, if you've left any makeup on your face for an extended period of time.

If your face is usually dry: Before you shower, apply a rich moisturizing mask or thick layer of moisturizer. The moist heat helps the mask plump up fine lines and creases temporarily. Apply a heavy layer of petroleum jelly to lips. At the end of the shower, use a warm damp washcloth to gently massage off both treatments, and then use a naturally made loofah to bring out a natural, healthy glow.

If your skin is naturally oily: Use toner before and after you get out of the shower, before, to clean off any oil that has risen to the surface during sleep, and again when you get out to take off any oil that has surfaced from the heat of the water.

If you have combination skin, only apply toner masks to the "T" area on your face, you could cause your cheeks to redden from applying toner there.
Dab yellow or skin-tone concealer on blue under eye circles. Stay away from lighter skin tone or white cover-ups. You can get free samples to try out in the privacy of your own home and samples are available for all skin tones.

Hair Care Tip

Dwayne, the African-American Culture contributing hair care expert, shares a secret beauty tip on how to prevent hair breakage while you sleep for all hair types, not just black women. Spilt ends have a tendency to get caught on the cotton and your tossing and turning will actually pull the caught pieces out of your head. So little by little, if you were wearing a cotton scarf to protect your hair while you sleep, you may actually be making it worse! It is highly recommended that you either wrap your hair up in silk or satin scarves at night or sleep on silk or satin pillows.

Indian Ethnics.com, has some good Indian (and non Indian as well) beauty tips on make up and skin care for teens. Here's the secret: If you are getting ready for a night on the town, choose a foundation closest to your natural skin tone, and foundation that is to be sure to blend it past your jaw line and across your neck (so it doesn't look as though you're wearing a mask). When it comes to eye shadow, choose a color slightly darker than your eyes.

Beauty Accessory Ideas

As far as accessories, a hot gift idea for a teen with a low-budget can be decorative jewelry, that doesn't necessarily have to come from Tiffany's. There are plenty of places online where you can shop for attractive and very reasonably priced items. Believe it or not, the way you move can actually be one of the most attractive or off-putting features you have. When you can move more gracefully and assuredly, that puts out an air of confidence which will make a difference to matter what it is you are or are wearing. Consider taking a dance lesson, enrolling in some sort of after school sport like gymnastics where you can learn more control over your balance and agility. You may think, what does this have to do with looking good when I'm going out to a party- but once you've got grace and agility in what is referred to as your "muscle memory", it will make a difference in all areas of your life.

And lastly, I always think, especially if going out at night, that taking the time to buy pepper spray, even if it's a teeny little canister that goes on a keychain can be one of the best "accessories" you can own for your own and your loved one's peace of mind. It's probably one of those things you'll never need to use that you'll always be happy you have.

Women Tips on Get A Healthy Whiter Smile With Toothbrush, Toothpaste & Whitener Products Professionals Use

Taking care of your teeth means more than brushing with a good toothbrush twice a day with a flouridated toothpaste, and visiting the dentist twice a year, but those are the basics for caring for your smile. As we get older, problems with bad teeth and gums start to show in terms of yellowing, chipping or sensitivity. With age, teeth lose their whiteness and begin to yellow: one sure-fire way to take years off your appearance is by whitening your teeth with a home or professional whitener.

The truth about over the counter whitening toothpastes

Many toothpastes claim to be "whitening", but when you read the label, you'll see the only active ingredient is fluoride. Fluoride is necessary for preventing cavities, but it doesn't do a thing for whiter teeth. Other over-the-counter "whitening" products include baking soda and peroxide. Baking soda wisdom works by friction: it polishes stains from teeth. But, if your enamel is thin in places, baking soda can wear it further, exposing the dentin layer beneath the enamel. When that happens, you wind up with a brown spot or pit in the tooth. These spots often appear along the gemlike, where enamel tends to wear away naturally and is weak. Whitening toothpastes can't fix worn enamel: it takes a trip to the dentist to replace the missing layer with bonding.

Strengthing and repairing worn tooth enamel

Worn enamel comes with age: it also appears in younger people who grind their teeth, people who eat a lot of acidic foods, and people with bulimia whose enamel has been worn away by stomach acids. People with chronic heartburn or acid reflux disease may also have enamel worn off by acid, but for bruxers (or people who grind their teeth), the enamel comes off because of the pressure exerted by the jaws. The enamel flakes or cracks off under the pressure. If you grind your teeth, your dentist will recommend that you wear a plastic night guard over your teeth at night.

Natural tooth whitening remedy and products

Peroxide is the classic at-home tooth whitening ingredient. Toothpastes like Rembrandt contain peroxide in a dosage that, over a period of weeks or months, has a bleaching affect on teeth by six shades or more. Depending on your teeth's sensitivity, you may prefer slower-working toothpastes to quick-acting whitening kits. Bleach can make teeth sensitive, so if you try a tooth-whitener, go slow at first, and maybe pair it with a sensitivity-reducing paste such as Sensodyne.

Professional dentist tooth whitening - $$$$

If you're in a hurry, you can have your teeth professionally whitened in about an hour at the dentist's for around $300. Your dentist may use a combination of topical bleaching gel and a light activator to get your teeth super-white in no time at all.

Whiten your teeth without a trip to the dentist

If you don't want to spend several hundred dollars, you have other options. Rembrandt has a new two-hour whitening system (Rembrandt 2-Hour White from www.drugstore.com) that uses trays and a gel to whiten teeth in a much shorter time than the usual two-week period needed for other whiteners. You leave the trays on for 20 minutes, then take them out for ten minutes, alternating until the two hours are up. Or you can try other popular at home whiteners, like Crest White Strips, which take about a week to complete the whitening process.

Women Tips on How to Prevent Chronic Halitosis By Learning What Causes Your Bad Breath

I once took a class in Argentine Tango, which was set up so that men and women constantly exchanged partners while learning the stylized steps. That was okay, but there was one guy who had zero rhythm, and three minutes of trying to tango with him (counting to himself and still failing his steps miserably) was like a stumbling, cursing lifetime. But dancing with that poor klutz (I'm no Pavlova, by the way) was nothing compared to the man whose breath was so bad, I had to fight to hold my own breath or simply go mad. In the few steps where we turned away from each other, I had to gasp for a fresh breath of air, then turn for the next hellish step into the miasma. I felt bad for the man at first: clearly, taking a tango class wasn't going to make him popular with women as long as he could not get rid of his bad breath. But soon, I started to hate him: how could he not know the effect his breath had on others? Why wouldn't he chew a mint, for crying out loud?

It was so bad that I actually considered telling him, a total stranger, that he should chew gum so I could bear to dance with him. I didn't have to go that far, though, because in the end, I met a lovely, sexy, middle-aged psychologist who was not only a fine and graceful dancer, but who smelled nice and liked to dance with me. He managed to show up in front of me more and more often in the partner exchanges, and soon, I hardly danced with anyone else.

Preventing bad breath from occurring or at least affecting others

I brush my teeth about five times a day, and chew gum too. I good swish of mouthwash can be quite refreshing after a garlic filled dinner as well. But there have been times when forays into Vietnamese cooking or beer-and-pizza-with-the-guys has left my mouth less than fresh, which is why I carry gum in my purse for emergencies. This is a quick, temporary solution to curing lunchtime bad breath. While some people swear by breath mints, I've found that they don't do much for eliminating your breath once they're gone.

Natural Solution to Stop Bad Breath

If you don't want to get into any serious breath medications, there simpler more natural products available. For super-halitosis emergencies, you can use Breath Assure, which is nothing more than capsules of parsley oil. You don't chew them (I tried it once and was rewarded with a strong, sweet, oily taste that made me look like my friends' cat the day we tried to give him Benadryl to reduce the swelling from a spider bite. The vet didn't specify the type, just the dosage, and the liquid baby-dose Benadryl made him foam at the mouth for two hours. It was extremely unnerving.) The parsley oil works wonders, eliminating garlic breath and sweetening the breath for hours. Maybe that's why Greek, Turkish and Arabic cuisines combine parsley with lemon and garlic for relishes, salads and sauces.

If you are on a date and in a pinch with absolutely no breath prevention methods on hand, try eating the parley sprig most restaurants place of their plates as decoration. It's free, easily available, and it works! Just be discreet so your date doesn't catch on to your halitosis worries.

Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath that comes from food is easily finished off by brushing your teeth, scraping your tongue, flossing, gum chewing or the aforementioned Breath Assure, but chronic bad breath can be a symptom of other problems health problems such as tooth decay, sinus infection, gum disease, or stomach problems. Eating disorders can also create halitosis from the stomach acids churned up by hunger or by vomiting. If you (or the guy in your tango class) experience chronic bad breath, the first thing to do is get to your dentist for a checkup. After ruling out possible dental care issues, your dentist may recommend a visit to the doctor to rule out other illnesses.

Home Treatment Remedy for Halitosis

Old mouthwashes contained alcohol and mint flavorings. New mouthwashes include zinc and chlorine dioxide. Zinc stops the process that creates the sulfur compounds in the mouth, which are largely responsible for causing bad breath. Chlorine dioxide kills the sulfur that's already present. You may decide to add mouthwash to your regular hygiene program whether or not you have other health issues that need to be resolved in order to stop chronic halitosis for good.

Women Tips on Pedicures and Foot Care Tips for Year Round Pretty Bare Feet

The foot: an interesting part of the human anatomy. When we’re born, they take our footprints, people count our toes and tickle our soles to hear that wonderful baby gurgle. At that amazing age babies can actually take hold of their feet to chew reflectively on their own toes. Long before we’re walking, our parents are cramming them into tiny little leather Oxfords, hiking boots or even tiny running shoes, I guess because they’re just so darned cute. Once we do start walking, we take our feet for granted. They get us where we want to go, and that’s just fine.

But once we’re grown and trying to fulfill our sexual destiny, we become aware of feet as aesthetic accessories. Turns out, they are more than just balancing tools, locomoting appendages. Feet have the surprising capacity to be extremely cute, or they can be downright hideous. Women's feet are usually nicer than men's, and the foot fetish is a common obsession among men. In fact, China once made the foot the primary object of female sexual beauty, subjecting women to footbinding because tiny feet were considered the most attractive. We still hold to the ideal of tiny feet, which explains why it's so hard to find women's shoes in wider that "B" width. It also describes pointy-toed shoes, stilettos and other fashionable footwear that makes your legs look wonderful, but can turn toes into what one author described as "scrambled monstrosities".

Sexy feet, repulsive feet, are not usually a matter of luck. A lot depends on the care and maintenance regime established by the foot-owner. At an absolute, bare minimum, feet should be clean. I mean, you walk on them, don’t you! What if you were stuffed into a leather show all day, strolling through parking lots, jogging in parks, shopping, doing laundry, tapping impatiently in line at the bank. Feet suffer from lack of air, from shoes that don’t breathe, from sweaty conditions on hot summer asphalt. Daily scrubbing with soap and a nail brush is a good start, but it’s only a start, if you want good-looking feet.

When it comes to toenails, there is no in-between. Clean, healthy, well-groomed toenails are sexy. Grubby, long, unhealthy toenails are nasty, and not to be tolerated. Toenails should be well-brushed with soapy water, clipped short and neat with clippers, and treated with anti-fungal medicine if nails are discolored, thick or peeling. Even girls can get athlete’s foot (always wear flip-flops at the gym, at the pool, at the park, in any shower that is not your very own), and there topical medicines that can cure it. (If you don’t know what athlete's foot is, it’s a fungus that causes feet to burn, itch and peel).

Assuming your feet are clean and healthy, the step to beauty is a short one. Keep your feet smooth by using a pumice stone a couple of times a week, rub them with lotion like Upper Canada Peppermint Foot Cream to keep them soft, and use a clear polish if you don’t like brightly colored toes. No one talks about it (except in women's studies class), but women grow hair on their toes. If your toes are fuzzy, you can wax them to add to overall foot smoothness. Get a pedicure for that professional polish, but don’t let them cut your cuticles, whose sole purpose in life is to keep your feet safe from infections.

Showcase your sexy feet in strappy date-night sandals, sexy career pumps or silly, weekend, jelly thongs with a silver toe ring for an accent. (Never wear a toe ring and an anklet at the same time –it’s a huge Fashion Don’t). Hiking boots are ideal for long walks, and they also look cute with ragg socks in wool or cotton and tweed skirts. Boots always look wonderful, and the longer they are, the better they look. (There is a limit—boots that go past the knee scream "Dominatrix!" and may not be the look you’re trying to project.

Women Tips on Stop a Nail Biting Habit with Proper Natural Nail Care

The first thing we can all do in having good-looking hands is to keep them

clean by washing regularly. It’s amazing how many people (guys especially, but some women and girls too) walk around with grubby non manicured finger nails. Get a nail brush and put it by the sink, so it’s convenient whenever you wash your hands. An added plus of a nail brushing your fingers is the way it feels: those soft bristles and the luxurious soapy lather take your hands on a daily very mini spa vacation. Always follow up with a nice hand cream or lotion to keep your hands moisturized.

Stop nail biting. Break your toddler or child's habit early.

Beautiful hands and nail care start with basics, and not having raggy, bleeding cuticles is a primary step in having presentable hands. Granted, one of the hardest habits to break is to stop fingernail biting, but it’s also one of the more disfiguring things that can happen to a hand. We all know someone who bites their nails to the quick, then starts on those ragged cuticles. Nail-biting usually starts in early childhood as a toddler with some people never outgrowing it, while others only revert to nail-biting in times of stress.

A finger nail biting cure that helped remedy 18 year old girl's problem from when she was a child.

I know a New York woman who stopped biting her nails when she was eighteen, because she wanted to be a flight attendant, and she had read in one of those “How to Be a Flight Attendant” guides, that bitten nails would keep her from being accepted into “Smile School”. (It was a long time ago, when airlines also had age limitations for stewardesses.) I admired her greatly as she stopped through sheer willpower.

At first, she went retro and wore gloves a lot. She also started carrying a nail file in her purse so that when a nail got split or roughened, she could take care of it on the spot. She wore gloves because taking off a glove to bite a nail is a great way to make yourself pause and consider, and then stop the behavior before it starts. She never did become a flight attendant, but she did have her hands photographed for a newspaper ad for the Chicago manicure and nail salon that she frequented and once more a few years later for a Los Angeles nail care and manicure salon.

Nail care and nail biting products

There are some products on the market to stop nail-biting, super-hot or bitter things to paint on your nails. I've heard some nail-biters say that the nasty taste didn't stop them, but they must work for some people.

Finally, for nail-biters and non-nail-biters alike, hand cream right before bed is a great way to keep your skin smooth. When things are looking rough (or if you’re a biter who’s trying to quit), you can get some wonderfully thin cotton gloves, slather on a hand cream like Sephora’s Bliss Glamour Glove Gel and glove up until morning. The cotton will keep the hand cream off the pillows and on your hands where it belongs. And for a real spa-treatment, get some little cotton socks and give your feet the same experience.

Nail polish shows off those fingers.

And for a little something extra try a nice bright nail polish for your next manicure. OPI nail products give a great professional finish that looks like you went to a manicure salon or spa. But buyer beware of the "fake" acrylic manicure. Your own natural nails are better than using fake "glue on" nails. If your manicurist doesn't properly clean tier tools, acrylic nail application can cause the dreaded nail fungus that has to be specially treated for months at a time. My advice save the acrylic french manicure for a special event or occasion like attending the Boston symphony in a black sleek gown.

12 financial tips for women

While neither gender has an exclusive lock on money management skills, the financial deck is stacked against women. They earn about three-quarters of what men make. In a divorce, they get less of the assets and more of the children.

They live longer, and one in eight elderly women lives in poverty, compared to one in 12 men, according to 2003 figures from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Unfortunately, many women view money and money-related tasks as necessary evils, not opportunities to even the odds.

"A lot of women believe that wealth is a four-letter word," says Ginita Wall, CPA and co-author of "It's More Than Your Money -- It's Your Life!" "They are particularly afraid of the negative reputation that wealth has -- power, greed, corrupt connotations."

Fortunately, there are steps that a woman can take to improve her financial future:

1. Set a financial goal. Women "have a very complex relationship with money," says Lois P. Frankel, author of "Nice Girls Don't Get Rich." "As such, we don't think accumulated wealth is important. And what you focus on is what you get."

After all, women set other goals. "There's not a woman on the face of this earth who can't tell you what she wants the scale to read when she gets on it."

But a woman doesn't have a magic number in mind "in terms of what she's putting away every year," says Frankel.

2. Train yourself to be financially independent. If you bank on Prince Charming, you're in trouble. "All marriages end eventually, either through death or divorce," says Wall. "And it's usually the woman left behind."

While women are the ones who handle most of the day-to-day finances, the majority of women leave long-term financial planning to their husbands. Mistake.

"Always be aware of the finances, even if your husband is handling the money," says Wall. "Be aware of what's happening. Stay involved."

Frankel agrees. "Go to the meetings with the financial planner, read through the statements that come in." Get an idea of exactly how much is coming in, where it's going and what the two of you are saving or investing for specific future goals.

3. Buy your own home. Women need to buy that first house as soon as they can, says Frankel. "Too many women have this vision of Prince Charming carrying them over the threshold," she says.

But a first house "will likely be the best investment you make in your future," Frankel says.

4. Fund your retirement account. For younger women, retirement seems eons away. For those nearing retirement age, it seems impossible to catch up. Investigate your employer's retirement plan, and put in as much as you can -- especially if your company matches funds. "When you don't participate in a matching program, you are giving away free money," says Frankel.

5. Opt for long-term planning over crisis management. "Women, especially, do not get serious about money until they lose a job, lose a spouse or are near retirement," says Barbara Stanny, author of "Secrets of Six-Figure Women."

For her book, Stanny interviewed women earning between $100,000 and $7 million annually. "The biggest surprise I had, bar none, was how few of these women were wealthy," she says. Many of them were living paycheck to paycheck, but at a higher level than their middle-income counterparts.

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